"Hold for me" is a service to retrieve and hold books for pickup from the UW collections. The turnaround time for a request is two business days, although the libraries will try to fill the request within one day.
This service is available for UW students, staff, and faculty. Please note that UW Outreach / Distance students need to use Interlibrary Loan to have books pulled and shipped to them. UW Libraries public patrons with a current account can use "Hold for me."
If you only want a chapter from a book or an article from a bound magazine or journal, use the Interlibrary Loan button located next to the "Hold for me" button. Sign in and complete the request form. This service is only available to UW students, staff, and faculty.
The PDF titled "Procedure for Using Hold for Me to Request Library Items be Pulled from the Stacks" located at the bottom of this FAQ explains the entire process, including requesting multiple volumes.
To use this service, look for the yellow "Hold for Me" button located in the "Options" section of an library catalog entry. Below is an image of the button.
Clicking the button will open a webpage to log into an individual account. Log on using WyoWeb username and password if a UW student, faculty member, or staff member. For public patrons, type in your first and last name, and then the barcode number on your library card.
Once logged on, a message appears stating that this request is for a specific item and asks to confirm the pickup location. If the information is correct, click the green "Submit" button. For single items, the next screen will be a confirmation message. Be sure to log out if finished.
If you are requesting specific volumes of a set of books or bound journals, once you click on the "Submit" button, the next webpage that appears is a list of the individual volumes that are available. Multiple volumes cannot be selected; only one item at a time. Unfortunately, a separate request must be submitted for each volume of the set. If you have problems doing this, contact the Coe Help Desk at 766-3190 or at libcirc@uwyo.edu.
Holds that cannot be filled due to missing items will be canceled after three days and the requestor notified.
If a patron attempts to ask for items that are not requestable (such as items in Special Collections, e-books, lost items, etc.), an error message of "No items requestable, request denied" will appear.
Please note that there are some quirks to this system.
While multiple items may be requested, the interface allows only one transaction at a time. For example, DVDs with multiple discs require the requestor to return to the title record to request the next disc in the set. To request additional books or other items, return to the online catalog and repeat the process.
Items from the UW Law Library cannot be requested.
Items not picked up within seven days are returned to the stacks.
If there are any questions about this service, contact User Services at libcirc@uwyo.edu, calling 307-766-3190, or stopping by the Help Desk at any UW Library.